Firstly, you’re going to need a couple of packages for this method. The required packages are as follows;
Tag: Fun
Anchor Church

Pretty much zero planning got us to this place, I’d had it in mind to visit here for a long while after Dawn told me about it. Next up I’ll give a little history about the place courtesy of Wikipedia (thus rendering it most likely false);
Goin’ Underground, Goin’ Underground…

Firstly, a little background, lifted directly from Wikipedia as I am not ashamed to admit that I know very little about this place that isn’t already documented elsewhere…
Anyone for Chocolate?

After attempting 2 other places today and being presented with a building site and a large expanse of rubble we decided to head to this wonderful building. The odd sign here and there showed us what some of the rooms had previously been used for and the odd part was damaged by the infamous fire (which didn’t actually seem to have destroyed much in my eyes).
Lungs full of asbestos but happy as pigs in shit, goes to show that there actually is something worth seeing in Belper besides awesome deals on tasty meat!
Central Beardsmen First Meet

So the Central Beardsmen had their first meet, here’s the photographic results that I’ve collated so far. Top bunch, had a really good laugh.
Don’t think Ripley knew what had hit it.
Beard on Mofos!
Yorkshire Beard Day

It was recently brought to my attention by my friend Andy (Mr. Blessed) that he had met a Mr. Michael Wallage who had informed him of an event happening in Scarborough where bearded gentlemen such as ourselves gather and hold a competition to judge who has the most splendid facial fur in all the land. I could not resist and so off we headed for sunny Scarborough.
Corrosion of Conformity

Just a short one, saw these a couple of weeks back (March 9th 2015). My god they were good, nice to see Pepper Keenan back where he should be. Down are alright but these have always held a special place in my heart.
RAF Manby

An interesting one this, spotted it on the 28DL facebook page and figured I’d go for a wander round. I’m quite a fan of what their community produces even if at times I do find them a little snobbish towards people like myself who aren’t in it for the photography, merely the adventure. I realise however that there are people who go to these places purely to break stuff and vandalise/steal, I take only photographs (all be it on my phone and not a £900 DSLR) and leave only footprints.
Playing in a Ford

No, not the car manufacturer, an actual ford. I’m so glad that I finally found someone who has a similar sense of adventure as me. One minute you’re driving through a ford, the next minute you realise that you have wellies in the boot of the car! We had fun!
A term that friend of mine (Mr. Mike Holmes) coined last year, I have to say that he hit the nail on the head superbly.
The new fad of instagram is slowly driving me insane, photographic filters are not new, they’ve been around since forever. The art of tastefully washing out elements of an image, enhancing certain colours, cropping an image for the best composition are as I suggested, an art-form.
This latest craze reminds me of the stereos that come with pre-defined graphic equalizers, 99% of people would simply set them to ‘Rock’ so that the display has the word Rock across the front of it as though without it you could only listen to pop or classical music. The choice bore no relevance on the enhancements being made to the sound based upon the shortcomings of the speakers/amplifier/room acoustics which is what graphic equalisers were designed to compensate for.
Back to the subject… Making your images look like every other image on instagram makes you about as unique or a talented photographer/image manipulator as an iSheep. Gain some individuality people, it’s not hard or expensive to begin learning to this properly, have a look at GIMP, read some of the tutorials and have some creative fun that may just expand your horizons.
Rant over, go and play.